The Superior General guides the life of the Congregation and fosters its development with all the means that Divine Providence places at his disposal. The General Council is the organ designated to assist the Superior General in governing the Congregation.
Art. 148 & 156
OSJ Constitutions
XVII General Chapter Edition

Superior General
Rev. Fr. Jan Pelczarski, OSJ
He was ordained priest in 1991 and after finishing his licentiate in Moral Theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome,
he left as a missionary in Nigeria in 1992. He then returned to Rome and appointed as the prefect of the students of theology and the postulants and as the assistant novice master. After that, he went as a missionary to Bolivia in 2001 but he figured in a grave car accident and almost died. He returned to Italy for his recovery.
In Rome, he was nominated as the prefect of the Studentato
Internationale. He did his doctorate in Spiritual Theology at the Teresianum and
afterwards, his Master’s in
Bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum in Rome. In 2008, he decided to go back to Bolivia and
continued his missionary work
there. He was a dedicated formator, pastor and a brilliant professor of Moral Theology in the
Major Seminary in La Paz, Bolivia. In 2010, he was nominated
as the delegate superior. During the XVII General Chapter, he was elected as
the new Superior General of the OSJ, the first non-Italian confrere.
Being conversant in Polish,
English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, he could truly reach out to all confreres.

Vicar General
First General Councilor
Rev. Fr. John Attulli, OSJ
He was ordained priest
in 1986 and became the novice
master in India. He served as the
first councilor of the delegation in
1989. He then was nominated as
the delegate superior in 1998 and
the rector of the Minor Seminary in
Kodungallur, Kerala in 1999. Then,
he became the provincial superior
of India in the year 2000. He served
in various offices since and
guided the province in its growing
years as formator and councilor. This is his second term as vicar general having been elected to the post during the XVI General Chapter in 2012. At, present he oversees the Congregation's formation program and the International Josephite-Marellian Center.
Second General Councilor
Rev. Fr. Maximo A. Sevilla, Jr., OSJ
After his priestly ordination in the
year 2000, he was assigned as the
prefect of the Minor Seminary in
San Jose, Batangas and he became
the rector in 2005. He participated
in the XVI General Chapter in Paestum in 2006. Then, he was elected as councilor of the Philippine
Province in 2007. He served as the
parish priest of Blessed Sacrament
Parish in Biñan, Laguna in 2009 and
was re-elected as provincial councilor in 2010 and the rector and parish priest of Santuario de San Jose
Parish in Greenhills. In 2013, he was
elected as the vicar provincial and
became the rector and parish priest
of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish in Rosario, Batangas. After
that, he went to Rome for further
studies and finished his Licentiate
in Moral Theology at the Pontifical
Gregorian University. Graced with
charisma and intelligence, he participated in the XVII general chapter
and was elected as the second general councilor. At present, he is in-charge of the Josephite-Marellian Laity, the apostolate for education and the prefect of the junior professed brothers in Rome.

Third General Councilor
Rev. Fr. Francesco Russo, OSJ
He was ordained priest in the year
2000 and he was assigned as the
assistant parish priest of Santa
Maria del Campo in Bari, Italy. He
then went to the newly-opened
community of Crevedia- Bucharest
in Romania in 2001 and served as
the prefect and vocation director.
After one year, he returned to Italy
and served as an assistant parish
priest at Riccia. He did his Licentiate in Youth Apostolate and Catechetics at the Pontifical Salesian
University in Rome. From 2003-
2010, he was in-charge of the vocation promotion of the province
of South Italy. In 2005, he was
nominated not only as ecclesiastical adviser of the Centro Sportivo Italiano in
Campobasso but also as the assistant spiritual director of the Diocesan Youth Apostolate. In 2015,
he was elected as the provincial
superior of the Province of South
Italy and was re-elected for another three years. During the last General Chapter, he was elected
as the third councilor general. At present, he is
in-charge of the Congregation's youth apostolate.
Fourth General Councilor
Rev. Fr. Michael Odubela, OSJ
He is the youngest member of the general council. He was ordained priest in 2006. and was assigned as prefect of the OSJ Formation House in Ibadan, Nigeria. In 2007, he went to Rome for further studies and finished his Licentiate in Moral Theology in 2009. Then, he returned to Nigeria and was assigned as rector and prefect of the junior professed brothers and director of St. Mary's Primary School in Ibadan. In 2010 he was nominated as the superior delegate. He also served as professor of Moral Theology at Sts. Peter and Paul Major Seminary. In 2011, he was nominated as member of the senate of the Archdiocese of Ibadan-Nigeria. In 2014, he was nominated as the president of the Conference of Major Superiors in Nigeria. He was elected as the fourth councilor in the General Chapter. At present, he is councilor in-charge of the congregation's social apostolate.