In the apostolate of the Oblates, St. Joseph will be the
exemplar in their ministry which like his, is a ministry of intimate relationship with the Divine Word
(Letter 37). From him they will learn to serve the interests of Jesus
(Letter 83) in the Church. Charity, availability and humble spirit of work, to the exclusion of all personal ambition and promotion, characterize the work of the Oblates of St. Joseph.
Art. 4 & 27
OSJ Constitutions
XVII General Chapter Edition

Youth Apostolate
Heeding the words of the Founder, the Oblates take the primacy of taking care of the youth in their apostolate for the latter to become virtuous Christians and excellent citizens
(Fourth Pastoral Letter, St. Joseph Marello; cf. C 69; GD 28).
Provisional Art. 62
Provincial Directory
St. Joseph Province

Parish Apostolate
The Founder wanted the Congregation to be at the service of the needs of the local Church. Many bishops have entrusted parishes to the care of the Congregation at different times and in different places. For this reason, the Oblates take on the parish apostolate fully inserted into the pastoral life of the local Churches.
Art. 64
OSJ Constitutions
XVII General Chapter Edition

Missionary Apostolate
Missionary interest and zeal characterize the Oblates (cf. GD 35). Indeed, they owe it to the first Oblate missionaries that they are a Province today. Their mission in the mind of the Founder is not confined to an already developed community, but it is to be exercised wherever the Church needs them and wherever the Congregation sends them.
Provisional Art. 82
Provincial Directory
St. Joseph Province

Social Apostolate
Following the example of their Founder who is known as the Father of the Poor,
the Confreres must have a preferential option for the poor. Both in the community and personal level, the Confreres must lift up the poor and disadvantaged in real and concrete ways (cf. C 79; GD 36).
Provisional Art. 89
Provincial Directory
St. Joseph Province

Apostolate of Devotion
to St. Joseph
The Congregation has for its patron St. Joseph. For this reason, its members are called Oblates of St. Joseph and make special effort to honor and love him as a father by imitating his virtues and spreading his devotion
Rules of 1892