The Congregation of the Oblates of Saint Joseph is composed of religious priests and brothers who, in faithfulness to the charisms of our Founder, St. Joseph Marello, are called to serve the interests of Jesus like St. Joseph. By virtue of his ordination, the Oblate priest is “at the service of the ecclesial community and to live not for himself but for others” (C 13). Likewise, every Oblate religious brother dedicates himself to “a great variety of apostolic and social services” (C 14). Both priests and brothers, “with equal rights and obligations, with the exception of those which stem from Holy Order” (VC 61), carry out their apostolate according to the Oblate spirit.
Being the first fruits of the OSJ missionaries outside Italy, Filipino OSJ priests and brothers have been serving not only in the Philippines but also in other countries: the United States of America, Italy, Indonesia and Australia.
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The education of the youth takes primacy in the life and apostolate of the Oblates of St. Joseph. At present, the Province administers eight schools catering pre-elementary, elementary, secondary and senior high school education and two colleges.
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St. Joseph Marello had already in his mind that his Oblates would always be available to assist the local churches. From teaching catechism, serving the altar until he allowed his beloved sons to be ordained priests, the Oblates have been recognized for their selflessness and zeal in their ministries and apostolates. Even when the Oblates asked Pope Pius IX his permission and blessing to go to the missions in the Philippines, the Holy Father exclaimed, “If they go, they do us a great favor.” More than a century since coming to these shores, the Oblate family has truly grown and even they themselves have set forth for their missions in Indonesia and in Australia.
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Essential to the growth of the Province is the formation of young men desirous to follow more closely the footsteps of the Divine Master. Since 1949, the Oblates have established various houses to mold and guide them in the various stages of priestly and religious vocations.
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Taking care of one's soul is imperative to every Christian. Seeing this need, the Oblates have opened two centers of spirituality and retreat. The Oblate priests and brothers have been sought also to facilitate and to give spirituality courses, retreats and renewal programs.
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