Page 82 - Reflections on St. Joseph
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fortitude, piety and fear of God. We know that besides these Gifts to the individuals, the Holy
     Spirit continues to build up the Church through the instrumentality of some Holy Men and
     Women. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that the Church as a Sacrament of Salvation
     continues  to  bring  people  to  Christ  and  so  that  she  can  fulfil  her  mission,  the  Holy  Spirit
     “bestowed  upon  her  varied  hierarchic  and  charismatic  gifts,  and  in  this  way  directs  her...”  (Cf.

     We all are guided by the Holy Spirit and we all have received different gifts from the Spirit. As
     religious we have received the gift of the evangelical counsels. They are given to us for the
     building up of the Church, the body of Christ. Our Constitutions say: “The Holy Spirit builds up
     the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, also with the gift that is renewed, of the evangelical counsels,
     which strengthen in a more perfect way the bonds of baptism” (OSJ Const. Art.1).  St. Paul in his
     letter to the Romans says: “We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in
     proportion to faith; ministry in ministering; the teacher in teaching; the exhorter in exhortation; the
     giver in generosity; the leader in diligence; the compassionate in cheerfulness” (Rom 12:6-8).

     The life style of St. Joseph

     We know that our beloved founder St. Joseph Marello was enlightened by the Holy Spirit and he
     received  a  special  grace  of  attraction  towards  the  life  of  the  Guardian  of  the  Redeemer,  St.
     Joseph. What attracted Marello was the life style of St. Joseph, which we can call the spirituality
     of St. Joseph. St Joseph Marello closely observed the life style of St. Joseph. So, he could discover
     certain basic characteristics of life of St. Joseph. Thus, Marello taught “St. Joseph lived in union
     with God, in humility, in hidden life, hard work and total commitment to ‘the interests of Jesus’.”
     (OSJ Const. Art.3).

     St. Joseph’s heritage

     We believe that St Joseph inherited the moral and spiritual heritage from his ancestors. He was
     aware of the promises God made to them. He felt himself to be one with them. He had a duty to
     be worthy of their virtues and to repair their faults. So he called his ancestors to mind often
     with the awareness that he owed a debt of gratitude.

     He always remembered where he was from. In his veins ran the blood of Abraham whose living
     faith and total obedience had won for him an everlasting posterity; the blood of Jesse of whom
     Isaiah had said “a branch shall spring forth from his root.” Many legal documents bore witness
     to his link with the prophet-king. Solomon was another glorious ancestor well known for his
     incomparable  wisdom;  Roboam,  Josaphat,  Achaz  to  whom  Elijah  had  foretold  the  virgin’s
     conception, and many others. In spite of his royal blood of the illustrious tribe of Judah, his
     status was that of an unassuming workman in a small town. Instead of living on rich lands of
     his ancestors he resided in Nazareth, an unpretentious village.

     When we look at our Patron all the evangelical perfections are found in an admirably balanced
     manner in him. For our reflection now we will take only some of the outstanding virtues which
     Marello accepted and imitated in his life, which he asked us, his spiritual children to imitate.

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