Page 77 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 77
1“Redemptoris Custos" (August 15, 1989) | John Paul professor of theology and Scripture at the Grand
II,” accessed January 2, 2020, http://www. Scholasticat de Chevilly-Larue. Being one of the pioneers of the biblical and liturgical renewal, he
exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_15081989_ worked for the reform brought about by Vatican II
redemptoris-custos.html. and participated in the ecumenical translation of the
2Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin, p. 29a, Bible.
quoted in Chaim Isaac Waxman, The Jewish Father: 13“General Audience of 19 March 2014 | Francis,”
Past and Present (William Petschek National Jewish accessed May 28, 2020,
Family Center, American Jewish Committee …,
1983), p. 60. ences/2014/documents/papa-
3Cf. Ephraim Levitz, “The Concept of Fatherhood in francesco_20140319_udienza-generale.html.
Traditional Jewish Sources and Its Impact on 14Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, 80.
Current Views of Fatherhood” (2014), p. 50. 15Ibid., p. 8.
Accessed June 1, 2020, 16Cf. Luke 11:11-13 17Cf. Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, pp. 21-22.
4Cf. Waxman, The Jewish Father, p. 60. 18Cf. John 7:15
5Levitz, “The Concept of Fatherhood in Traditional 19Cf. Matthew 13:55
Jewish Sources and Its Impact on Current Views of 20Cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-5 “Hear, O Israel! The Lord
Fatherhood.” pp. 51-52. is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love
6Cf. Ibid., p. 53. the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and
7Cf. IBID., p. 54. Training in the study of the Torah with your whole being, and with your whole
“includes the study of practical knowledge strength. Take to heart these words which I
(application of Jewish law in all facets of life), as well command you today.”
as theoretical study, referred to as study for the sake 21Cf. Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, p. 17-19.
of study.” 22Cf. Luke 2:41
8Cf. IBID., p. 56. 23Cf. Mark 6:3
9Cf. IBID., p. 55. 24Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, p. 15.
10Cf. IBID., p. 55. 25Cf. John 6:27
11Cf. Waxman, The Jewish Father, p. 60. 26John 4:34
12Lucien Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus (Collegeville, 27Genesis 2:18
Minn: Liturgical Press, 1996). The author is a former 28Deiss, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, p. 138.
Reflections on st. joseph 53