Page 80 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 80

     and put it under the image so that St. Joseph would dream of it .  Afterwards, he gave an inspiring
     reflection about the dream of St. Joseph and his task to be the guardian of the Holy Family. He
     warned the families against the «colonization of new ideologies» that destroy the family. Then,
     he encouraged them to imitate St. Joseph, «Like Saint Joseph. The gift of the Holy Family was
     entrusted to Saint Joseph so that he could care for it. Each of you, each of us – for I too am part of
     a family – is charged with caring for God’s plan» .

     From the teachings of these Popes and in the underlying ecclesiology and theological approach,
     we can see the significant role that the person of St. Joseph plays in the life of the Church. He is
     considered as patron, protector, and guardian of the Universal Church. Moreover, we notice the
     emerging  idea  of  St.  Joseph  being  a  model  for  the  faithful  specially  towards  the  path  of
     sanctification and dedication of one’s life to service. In fact, in the Redemptoris Custos, Pope John
     Paul  II  expressed  his  “heartfelt  wish”  that  «the  very  person  of  St.  Joseph  may  have  renewed
     significance for the Church in our day in the light of the Third Millenium» . Being both a custos of
     the Holy Family and a depository of the mystery of God, St. Joseph will not only be helpful in our
     understanding of the Church but also of the religious life since he is the first on earth together
     with Mary to contemplate in the mystery of the Word-made-Flesh and the first to take care of
     the interests of Jesus.


    1 T. STRAMARE, «San Giuseppe. Il custode del redentore nella vita di Cristo e della Chiesa» in
     Omelie temi di Predicazione 98 (2006) 57
    2 Redemptoris Custos, n. 21.
    3 Ibid., n. 14.
    4 Ibid., n. 8.
    5 FRANCIS,  Homily during  Holy Mass for the beginning of the Petrine Ministry of the Bishop of
     Rome (19 March 2013).
    6 G.WHELAN, 11.
    7 FRANCIS, Address in the Meeting with the Families Manila (16 January 2015).
    8 Ibid.
    9 Redemtoris Custos, n. 32

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