Page 87 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 87
Minister of Salvation
Fr. Ferdinando Pentrella, OSJ
he theme for our reflection, as presented in the title given by our Josephite-Marellian
Spirituality Center, is very general and difficult to take on. But, since it is for us Oblates
of St. Joseph seen in the context of this “Year of Spreading Devotion to St. Joseph”,
certainly it is referring to the part carried out by our Saint in the historical reality of Jesus’
humanity, “mysterium Christi” (Col. 4:3; Eph. 3:4) and the culminating moment of the
“mysterium pietatis” (1 Tim. 3:16) or “mysterium salutis” (cfr. Col. 1:26; Eph. 1:4ff.).
So our reflection will seek to help us meditate
on the role of St. Joseph in the mystery of the
Incarnation of the Son of God.
In this regard, article 3 of our Constitutions
states: “Faithful to the charism of their
Founder, the Oblates of St. Joseph are called to
reproduce in their lives and in the ministry
the Christian mystery as it was lived by St.
Joseph in union with God, in humility, in a
hidden life, in hard work and in total
commitment to ‘the interests of Jesus’.”
Concretely, our reflection will follow that
which the “gospels of Jesus infancy” tell us
and what we pray and reflect upon in the
pious practice of the “Sorrows and Joys of St.
Reflections on st. joseph