Page 186 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 186


     Reflect upon Mary’s humble heart filled with wonder at the appearance of the angel Gabriel
     choosing  her  for  the  greatest  of  all  human  missions.  Admire  the  unreserved  availability
     expressed in her fiat, “let it be done to me.” Admire Joseph’s unknowing readiness to believe
     and humbly cooperate with Mary as an integral instrument of God’s plan.


     Pray this second mystery of the Holy Spouses Rosary, repeating on the beads  of a decade the
     prayer  below.  As  you  add  to  the  name  of  Jesus  the  title  “INCARNATE,”  exult  with  Mary  (and
     indirectly with Joseph her betrothed) in the greatness of God’s love poured out for you through
     his Son come to take on our human flesh in her womb.

     We pray for a more humble and complete collaboration with God’s plan for us.

     Dear Mary and Joseph, pray that we may more closely imitate you in the virtue of obedience,
     always listening to God’s will and following it in faith.

     The Our Father.

     Meditative Tenfold Repetition of the Holy Spouses Prayer:
             Mary, full of grace, and Joseph, son of David; honor to you, Mother of God, and to you, guardian
             of the Redeemer. Eternal praise to the child with whom you formed a family, JESUS, INCARNATE.
             Holy Spouses, pray for us sinners, our families and communities, now and at the hour of
             our death. Amen.

     The Glory Be:

     St. Joseph Marello, pray for us.

     APPENDIX – Rules for Sharing:
         1)  Accept meditative and respectful silence until someone decides to respond sincerely to one
             of the questions. Everyone listens without interrupting whatever God may tell us through
             our confrere’s experience.
         2)  The one sharing tells the group when he has finished. Everyone can say “thank you,” but
             no one should respond, comment, or judge what has been shared.
         3)  Everyone speaks once, no matter how briefly. No one speaks a second time until all have
             spoken once.
         4)  The rector or a designated group leader can guide the process, recall the rules if necessary,
             insure that everyone has a chance to speak and be heard without interruption, and close
             the sharing session. Not even the leader should comment or summarize what has been


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