Page 189 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 189

For Mary and Joseph it was not easy to be parents of the son of God, this involved a stripping
          of oneself, to focus on Jesus.

          Oblate means offering, we are called to offer our life, our will, our dreams, ourselves to God,
          through the hands of Joseph and Mary. We are called to think no more of what we want, but
          of what is best according to the will of God, living for Him and in Him, in the Church.

          As  Mary  and  Joseph  cared  for  their  only  Son,  giving  their  life  with  love,  teaching  him  to
          become  a  mature  person,  of  sound  principles  and  values,  so  are  we  called  to care  for  the
          Church, giving spiritual life to others, without pretending to become their masters, in the
          space of gratuitousness, and indicating the right way, the way of Life. In imitation of Mary
          and Joseph, the Oblate sisters are called to generate the spiritual life in the Church, that is,
          to  give  the  Saviour.  Through  the  Vow  of  Chastity  we  serve  others  without  asking  for
          recompense,  through  the  Vow  of  Obedience  we  choose  to  obey  our  superiors,  no  longer
          thinking of ourselves but of what God wants, through the Vow of Poverty we share material
          goods,  not  looking  for  other  than  the  essential,  not  seeking  for  our  interests.  Mary  and
          Joseph cared for Jesus with great love and we Oblates are also called to serve others with

          First  of  all,  Mary  and  Joseph  have  "custodied"  Jesus.  We  too,  especially  as  consecrated
          persons, are called to safeguard him. Mary and Joseph recognized in the Lord their greatest
          good, and as any good parent would be willing to do, they would give their lives to protect
          Jesus. We too have been given this Good, which we consider the most precious good, the
          good to be preserved at the cost of our own lives. And how do we be custodians to Jesus?
          Each of us is called in a personal way to safeguard Him, keeping alive his divine presence in
          his  own  heart  and  in  his  own  life.  Each  of  us  is  called  to  live  a  personal  and  continuous
          relationship with the Lord , removing everything that endangers His presence: guarding our
          eyes, our hearing, our senses and our heart,
          our feelings and affections. By maintaining
          a  state  of  grace  and  avoiding  everything
          that  secularism  and  worldliness  put  in
          contrast with the purity of heart and body.
          This  is  the  first  way  in  which  we  Oblate
          sisters  of  Saint  Joseph,  called  to  be  the
          House  of  Nazareth  for  Him,  take  care  of
          Jesus' interests in a personal way.

          In a community way, meaning the house of
          Nazareth not only in the temple of our heart,
          but also as a community, the custody of Jesus
          consists in ensuring an environment where
          these  values  can  be  preserved  and  grow,
          through  attentive  and  fervent  community
          prayer,  distributed  diligently  in  the  daily
          schedule, a fraternal life lived in a serene and
          cordial atmosphere, in an apostolate that is
          directed  towards  all  those  whom  we  meet,

                                                                 Reflections on st. joseph
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