Page 188 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 188

interests of Jesus by offering their service to the Church in the apostolic service which, 'day
     by day, Providence hands out', with special care to those most in need and choose preferably
     the most deprived situations and places.

     In  their  apostolic  service  they  collaborate  preferably  with  the  Oblates  of  Saint  Joseph,
     particularly  concerning:  the  moral  and  religious  education  of  youth,  especially  through
     catechism; the different forms of apostolate suggested by the time and place, especially the
     pastoral  service  in  parishes,  in  schools  and  in  missions,  with  particular  attention  in  the
     promotion of women and in service of the poor, of the elderly and of the ill; the transmission
     of the devotion to Saint Joseph, to be  proposed as the Model and Patron of the Church and
     of the Christian Families." (art.3)

     This  article  summarizes  the  spirituality  and  charism  of  the  Congregation,  taking  up  the
     main notes of the charism and spirituality of the male Oblates, revealing, so to speak, the
     feminine facade of a single medallion.

     The Oblates of Saint Joseph seek to care for the interests of Jesus in imitation of Mary Most
     Holy and Saint Joseph . To understand this mission entrusted to the Oblates it is necessary
     to  make  an  important  premise.  Mary  and  Joseph  were,  as  individuals  and  as  a  couple,
     inclined  towards  Jesus.  Their  relationship  with  Jesus  was  unique  and  we  could  say,
     unrepeatable. Both had a specific role towards the Lord: they were the parents. Mary Most
     Holy as Mother and Saint Joseph as Father were called to love and serve Jesus in this role.
     The  love  of  a  father  and  a  mother  is  great  and  at  no  cost.  We  as  daughters  have  all  had
     experience of this love, at least from one of the parents, if not both. The love of our parents,
     however great it may have been, is not free from limits and mistakes. The love of Mary and
     Joseph is still different from that of a common father and mother. Although Mary Most Holy
     is  also,  like  us,  a  creature  herself  though  Immaculate,  therefore  her  love  was  most  pure;
     Saint Joseph, for the special mission entrusted to him, had received the necessary graces to
     be able to respond to his vocation, so even his ability to love was different from any other
     earthly father. Starting from these premises we can begin to see how the Oblate sisters of
     Saint Joseph take care of the interests of Jesus, in imitation of Mary and Joseph.

     If we remain united to Saint Joseph we could learn to live a profound relationship with Jesus
     and Mary and to give in community and in the apostolate what we have lived in a hidden
     life, with the Beloved Spouse. Joseph will accompany us and teach us to be faithful to our
     Vows, to trust Divine Providence and to look after the interests of Jesus, because with Joseph
     "we are sure of always going along the right path".

     If we remain united with Mary we could experience what Elizabeth lived, be filled with the
     Holy Spirit to exclaim in a loud voice: "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit
     of your womb!" Mary will teach us to act as "mothers", to give ourselves without seeking to
     fulfill ourselves. She will accompany us in daily life and will repeat to us to do what Jesus
     tells us to do.


                          Reflections on st. joseph
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