Page 181 - Reflections on St. Joseph
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         1  L. TOSCHI, O.S.J                   8  Rosarium    Virginis     Mariae     Piety     and     the    Liturgy,
         2  .,  “St.  Joseph,  Model  of  Love  and   (hereafter RVM), 10/16/2002.    12/17/2001, 201.
           Life,”   Eighth    International    9  TOSCHI, The Holy Spouses Rosary   29  RVM, 34.
           Symposium  on  St.  Joseph,  El      (or  also  El  Rosario  de  los  Santos   30  “Oratio  ad  Sanctum  Iosephum,”
           Salvador                             Esposos),  with  Imprimatur  from     immediately     after   text   of
         3  2001, in St. Joseph Studies, Papers   the Diocese of Fresno, Santa Cruz   Quamquam  Pluries,  8/15/1889;
           in  English  from  the  Seventh  and   CA 2013, 123 pages, available also   RC, 28, 31.
           Eighth  International  St.  Joseph   from                31  RC, 2-7, 17-21.
           Symposia,  Malta  1997  and  El    10  RC.                               32  Mt 1:16, 19.
           Salvador  2001,  Santa  Cruz  CA   11  RVM, 2, 18.                       33  TOSCHI,  “Liturgical  Feasts  of  St.
           2002, 151-153.                     12  Catechism of the Catholic Church    Joseph,”  Seventh  International
         4  Lumen     Gentium,     §§50-51;     (hereafter CCC), 515.                 Symposium  on  St.  Joseph,  Malta
           Sacrosanctum  Concilium,  §§103-   13  CCC, 516.                           1997, in St. Joseph Studies, 2002,
           111.                               14                                      32-35.
         5  T. STRAMARE, O.S.J., Saint Joseph   15  CCC, 517, 522.                  34  RVM, 18.
           ‘Guardian of the Redeemer,’ Text      G.  BUCCELLATI,  “The  Prophetic   35  RC, 5.
           and  Reflections,  Santa  Cruz  CA   Dimension of Joseph,” Communio      36  RVM, 12.
                                                33 (Spring 2006), 43-99.
           1997,  69-73,  147-155;  Vangelo   16                                    37
           dei Misteri della Vita Nascosta di    Lk  3:23;  4:22;  Mt  13:55;  Jn  1:45;    RC, 20.
           Gesù,  Bornato  in  Franciacorta  BS   6:42.                             38  RC, 30.
           Italy  1998;  “Die  Theologie  des   17  RVM, 18.                        39  Pius  IX,  Quemadmodum  Deus,
           Mysteriums  ‘Passwort’  für  die   18  RC, 18.                             12/8/1870. RC, chapter VI.
           Lektüre    von     ‘Redemptoris    19  YOUCAT, Youth Catechism of the    40  Lk 2:27, 41, 43.
           Custos,’” in Die bedeutung des hl.   Catholic Church, 2011, 86.          41  RVM, 5.
           Josef  in  der  Heilsgeschichte,   20  RC, 1.                            42  RVM, 41-42.
           Akten  des  IX.  Internationalen   21  RVM, 38.                          43
           Symposions  über  den  heiligen    22                                      Cf.  Toschi,  “St.  Joseph,  Model  of
           Josef,  IMAK  Kevelaer  Germany       E.g.  Oblates  of  St.  Joseph  Proper   Love  and  Life,”  in  St.  Joseph
           2006, 244-255; San José, Dignidad    Mass  Texts,  Textos  Propios  de  la   44  Studies, 143-158.
           – Privilegios – Devociones, México   23  Misa, Santa Cruz CA 1997, 7-15.    See  also  Family  of  St.  Joseph
           D.F. 2009, 11-13; and in multiple     RVM, Chapter III.                    Prayer Manual (also La Familia de
           publications translated in various   24  RVM, 32.                          San  José  en  Oración),  Santa  Cruz
           languages.                         25  Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6.                  CA, for the eightfold commitment
         6  Wednesday conferences 1979-84;    26  RVM, 33.                            of  couples  in  the  “Holy  Spouse
           Familiaris            Consortio,   27  Cf. Acts 4:12; Phlp 2:9-11.         Society,”  as  well  as  the  rite  of
           11/22/1981.                        28  Marialis  Cultus,  2/2/1974,  46.   enrollment    in   this   spiritual
         7  Redemptoris  Custos  (hereafter     Also  Congregation  for  Divine       society,   and    the   rite   of
           RC), 8/15/1989.                      Worship,  Directory  on  Popular      enthronement     of   the   Holy
                                                                                      Spouses Image in one’s home.


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