Page 178 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 178
3) Soundly Scriptural:
The Rosary has been called “a compendium of the Gospel.” As seen above, each of the ten
mysteries is directly derived from Sacred Scripture and can be preceded by reading the
citations indicated for the mystery. In the published book referenced above, each mystery is
accompanied by a section explaining “The Biblical Background.” These also provide a simple
and comprehensible overview of what Josephology has concluded from sound exegesis. All
biblical passages relevant to St. Joseph may be treated in the context of the ten mysteries.
This devotion of meditating on the mysteries with the Holy Spouses is biblical in its very
essence. It provides a most excellent opportunity for sound scriptural teaching on St. Joseph.
4) Inclusive of all principal aspects of St. Joseph’s life and role in the Mystery of Salvation:
This is a corollary to the preceding point. The mystery of salvation is revealed in Sacred
Scripture, which therefore remains the unique and primary source for Joseph’s life and role
in that mystery. “Together with Mary, Joseph is the first guardian of this divine mystery.”
Since the ten mysteries embrace all the primary source data, this devotion naturally meets
this fourth criterion. Subsequent roles assigned to St. Joseph by the spiritual tradition of the
Church may also be derived from refection on the mysteries. For example, the Fifth Mystery,
The Birth of Jesus, may lead to contemplating the Holy Spouses’ role as the first adorers of
the Bread of Life; while the Tenth Mystery, The Hidden Life of Nazareth, together with the
repeated prayer for the Holy Spouses’ intercession “at the hour of our death” open us to
consider of St. Joseph as the Patron of a Happy Death. The titles in the Litany of the Holy
Spouses may also cover other aspects of St. Joseph’s virtue and patronage.
5) Conducive to Contemplation:
Pope John Paul II wrote: “The Rosary, precisely because it starts with Mary’s own experience,
is an exquisitely contemplative prayer.” By including Joseph in the Mysteries of the
Incarnation and Hidden Life and by departing from the reality of the experience of the Holy
Spouses together, this Rosary is similarly an exquisitely contemplative prayer. In the book
the description of each mystery concludes with a final “Contemplate” paragraph to aid in
praying that mystery. This is the paragraph also included for each mystery in the leaflet.
Both the book and leaflet have an artistic image of the mystery to also assist in
contemplation. Contemplation of the Mystery is what most distinguishes this devotion
from most all other vocal prayers to St. Joseph.
6) Conducive to a Virtuous Life:
Sound devotion to the saints leads to imitation of their virtues. Of all the saints, there are no
better models of virtue than the Blessed Virgin Mary and her spouse, the just man, St.
Joseph. Their example “transcends all individual states of life and serves as a model for the
entire Christian community, whatever the condition and duties of each of its members
many be.” For each of the mysteries, The Holy Spouses Rosary book has a section of “Possible
Personal Applications.” These provide abundant examples for people in all states and
circumstances of life to consider, such as for engaged or married couples, for youth, for
those called to consecrated virginity, for parents. Some of the virtues randomly mentioned
for only the first five mysteries are: faith, chastity, sacrifice, obedience, respect, love, trust,
generosity, poverty, humility, and patience. Since the Holy Spouses exemplify all the virtues,
their lives call us to spiritual growth in every aspect. Contemplation with the Holy Family
calls us to desire to imitate the beauty of their lives.
Reflections on st. joseph