Page 111 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 111
The Feast of the
in the Year of
Fr. Alberto Antonio Santiago, OSJ
very year on the 23rd of January, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Spouses Mary and
Joseph. In parishes we speak about the Sacrament of Matrimony, relationships in
couples, and devotional life lived together, taking as a model the connection between
Mary and Joseph and their way of living out their faith.
Pastors seek to make up for the damage done through centuries of forgetfulness, which left the
presence of St. Joseph in the shadows, and only much later exalted him as Spouse of Mary, but
with the emphasis on his role of defending her honor, to guide her and provide support, without
every considering his role as a spouse in the elements of their life together. Our Lady also, did
not come out any better, since among her titles, that of mother, sometimes daughter emerges,
rarely that of spouse, and if so, in reference to
the Holy Spirit.
Today, even if things have not entirely
improved, we can say that there is a changed
perspective, and the Church considers how
and how much that unique couple was open to
the will of God, and even without realizing, at
least at first, predisposed themselves to
welcome Jesus.
To make up for lost time, it is a pleasure to see
that in many parishes of the Oblates of St.
Joseph and many others directed by religious
and diocesan clergy, couples are renewing
their marriage vows, seeking to see in
themselves that ideal matrimony.
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