Page 106 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 106
Let us consider the example of St. Joseph. As a carpenter he did far more than simply provide
materially for his family. Although Scripture is silent on the details of the holy Family’s sojourn
in Egypt after fleeing from Herod, we do know that Egypt at the time had a pagan culture that
accepted the worship of many gods. In such environment, Joseph surely protected his family
spiritually, keeping intact the purity of their faith. Maintaining Jewish prayer and customs in
the home must have been a priority for him as a husband and father during the exile.
We are actually living today in an environment which is often hostile to our faith. The
materialistic tendency is so strong that it erodes trust in divine Providence. It is the human
hands instead that are made to work more rather than the hidden, mysterious hand of God; in
the same vein, the human mind has practically taken over the shaping of life events in disregard
of divine design. What can be said about the protection being provided by the fathers to their
family members nowadays? In many cases protection is directed to that which is of less value –
material possessions over non-material wealth, physical comfort over spiritual growth, self
over others. A worst manifestation of this orientation may be the sacrifice of invaluable human
life itself. Obviously, the values have been confused, and the universally acknowledged
hierarchy of values is not properly observed. To a certain extent even we, religious, experience
Joseph proved himself to be a reliable provider for Jesus and Mary. He didn’t have much but he
always had the necessary things for the holy Family as he unfailingly trusted in the divine
Providence. A most loyal protector was he
when his family had to move. Consider that
he had to uproot his family twice: first, when
he was fleeing from Herod, and again, when
he returned to Judah several years later after
Herod’s death. We can imagine how Joseph
was a rock for Jesus and Mary during those
times of unpredictable changes as he lived his
faith securing his treasures which are the
same precious treasures of God. If we adhere
to God and are anchored well in the
providence of God, then we rest secure
together with our communities and families
whatever changes happen in our life.
St. Joseph – A Humble Servant
Humility is not a highly prized virtue in our
society. And unfortunately the secular media
tends to glamorize superstars in the sports
and entertainment world, giving the young
and children the impression that riches and
fame and impressive skills are what really
matter. This becomes the conviction of many
a parent who dream big for their children.
82 Reflections on st. joseph