Page 103 - Reflections on St. Joseph
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Cultural Center, accompanied by the People of Tepalcapa and various representative groups of the
community, as also the priest concelebrants friends of the community. In the Parish of St. Matthew
the Apostle in Huichapan, Hidalgo there is a great celebration in honor of St. Joseph in the three
Chapels of the more than thirty communities which form them. One is found in the village of
Mamithí, the other in Sabinita and the final one inn Comodejhé. Each of the communities profess
a fervent devotion to St. Joseph and this great popular devotion is being taking advantage of in
order to deepen their theological and doctrinal knowledge of a true devotion. En the other Parishes,
in the North Sector of Monterrey of St. Paul Apostle and Holy Spirit in the colony of Anáhuac, and
in the South Sector of St. James Apostle in Tepalcapa, Diocese of Cuautitlán, the Sorrows and Joys
of St. Joseph are prayed every Wednesday. And the Solemnity of the Holy Spouses is intensely
promoted in all of our Parishes, to the delight of the People of God and their participation. As for
our Minor Seminary in Tepalcapa, Pre-Seminary in Monterrey and the Major Seminary in Villa de
Juárez, N.L, the prayer of the Joseph Lily has been adopted as part of our spiritual growth in
devotion to St. Joseph, sharing in this with the people themselves. We feel very committed to our
Josephite-Marellian Identity and motivated by the International Center of the General Curia y we
continue promoting initiatives for the translation of materials, participation and all that can lead
us closer to reflecting upon and living our Oblate spirituality. For this reason, it is with great joy
that we will celebrate this coming May 30 and 31 and June 1, of this year, in the Auditorium of the
Educational Center Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, nuestro THE FIRST PROVINCIAL JOSEPHITE
CONGRESS! In celebration of our 60th anniversary in Mexico, with the theme “ST JOSEPH
GUARDIAN OF THE FAMILY”. We believe that in this great event, which will have the participation
of some Bishops, Fr. Larry Toschi OSJ from California, Josephite Missionaries, besides the other
invited confreres with great experience in this area, we will find great spiritual benefit and
enrichment, in order to begin a deeper mediation on our spiritual treasure.
Also we like to mention our participation in various moments in which we are invited by the
diocesan clergy, where we are working and by the seminaries in which our students are studying,
to regularly share our Oblate spirituality and identity. All for the Greater Glory of our Blessed God”.
And we end praying with that meaningful prayer of our Holy Founder:
“You , O St. Joseph! Instruct us, assist us, make us
worthy members of the Holy Family”
1Redemptorias Custos N°8 John Paul II
2John Paul II, Audience March 19, 1980
3RC 8
4Paul VI, Discourse (March 19, 1966): Insegnamenti, IV (1966), p. 110
5S. Th.,II-II, q. 154, a. 2 in c.
6Orígenes, Hom. XIII in Lucam, 7: S. Ch. 87, pp. 214 s.
7RC 16
8RC 25
9Garrigou-Lagrange, San José, Buenos Aires 301
10San José en el pensamiento de SS Juan Pablo II, P. Tarcisio Stramare, Centro di Spiritualitá Giuseppina, p. 11
Reflections on st. joseph 79