Page 99 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 99

has lost for man and society, the value which the Lord in the Plan of Salvation wished to give it.

          Throughout history many people have influenced the present was of looking at life. For example,
          Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, in his theories presented the father as the symbol
          of authority and power over the earth, which has provoked in human beings, from birth, a social,
          moral, and religious repression of all of his instincts (most of all the sexual ones).  We are not
          surprised when those who believe in his theories, if they wish to be free someday, are forced to
          reject the father figure in order to build up their independence.

          Another thinker, from the past century, very influential in the lives of many young people in the
          1950’s and 1960’s, was Jean Paul Sartre. He suffered during his childhood an experience of a father
          which unfortunately was disastrous. In his vision of the world and of himself, which flooded the
          famous crisis of  ‘68, his very existence frightened him and caused him to vomit (that is way he
          called his most famous novel Nausea).  And since he feel a profound resentment for his life, he came
          to the thought that the only sin a man can commit is that of becoming a father. He asked himself,
          What right does a man have to give to the world lives without meaning which will be unhappy?

          On the other hand, during the same time a great Christian thinker, Gabriel Marcel, saw in the origin
          of the family the secret for building a truly human existence. In parents who love him and care for
          him, the human being discovers from childhood, fidelity and hope, when he knows he is loved, he
          begins forming a conscience that is human life is something of value, a sacred treasure which
          nobody can take from him.

          However, the world needs a Father. Or better, needs to discover God in hi quality as Father. It is in
          the New Testament where we find this Good News, this Novelty, revealed by the Son, and which is
          splendid,  that  Yahweh,  the  unpronounceable,  the  Absolute,  the  Eternal,  El  Shaddai,  is  forever
          ABBA! (“Because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father”)(Jn. 15:12-15).  A Father
          who is not only Creator, Liberator of his People, Ally, Law Giver, Judge and Lord. He is not only the
          Ruler of all things, but he is above all Father. And in serivce of his Fatherhood he as subordinated
          everything else.

          Considering this great vocation and mission of St. Joseph, that of being “minister of salvation” with
          the exercise of his human fatherhood of faith, justice and love, the wealth of theological reflection
          becomes incalculable and in spirit of prayer, which becomes unquenching over the course of the
          centuries, given how close he is to the Mystery of Christ and of his Incarnation. But let us at least
          reflect a little bit on those essential points which are so significant for our present culture in the
          exercise of fatherhood.


          The Son of God, the Incarnate Word, during the first thirty years of his life on earth remained
          hidden: he hid himself in the shadow of St. Joseph. In the house of Nazareth, “Jesus was obedient to
          them” (Lk 2:51) to both Joseph and Mary, just as a child is obedient to his parents. Only Joseph and
          Mary know his Mystery, live this Mystery each day. The Son of the Eternal Father is considered,

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