Page 110 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 110

Mary and Joseph live their marriage at the same time as their virginal charism contributing to the
     mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, Virginal Spouse of the Church.
     The Holy Spouse have for our confusing times much to witness to as regards the goods and ends of
     marriage.    The  pastoral  goals  of  this  feast  can  offer  to  our  Josephite  Laity  and  faithful  new
     perspectives which give light to their vocation according to their state in life.

     It is in this ordinary life in Nazareth where the daily myster of family life is verified and which
     remains as the ordinary sign of the virtuous life to which our Holy Founder invites us.

     St. Joseph Marello speaks to us of the ordinary life.

     The mustard seed is considered the smallest of the seeds which are planted in the orchard and still
     it grows so much as the become a nice little tree.  For this reason it is a good figure for the small
     virtues, which can produce great holiness.  In fact, the great saints reached their holiness not so
     much in the practice of extraordinary virtues, which are practiced only on rare occasions, but in
     the repeated and continuous acts of the small virtues.  So St. Joseph did not do extraordinary things;
     but the constant practice of the ordinary and common virtues he reached that level of holiness
     which raises him above all the other saints.  Preaching at the Milliavacca Institute.  February14,


     The activities of this Province seek to follow the way inherited from the Oblates of the “first hour”,
     such as the ministerial services in the Parishes, Schools and social ministry in all of the houses.

     As Parishes, we find ourselves concentrated on the coast (eight all together), in Lima we only have
     five, with various Chapels in each of which a Mass is celebrated regularly.  Our greatest challenge
     is to maintain our enthusiasm for our service to the Church in the most difficult places, which are
     not found only in the Mountains (4 parishes), but also those which are in the large cities, in poor
     and crime ridden areas, with greater physical and moral danger than in the Mountains.

     The social ministry activities vary among human assistance and promotion, such as the parish
     soup  kitchens,  legal  assistance,  school  support  (after  school),  medical  dispensaries,  hospital,
     artistic and technical formation centers, being the most important.

     The activity which carries the greatest commitment is in the field of education, since the majority
     of our houses have an education center to direct.  In this way from the first years, the aspect of our
     charism of the education of youth has been carried out.  These education centers are different types
     for different ages, such as the schools for initial formation up to those for older classes.

     We believe that our greatest challenge is to search to live as religious in such a changing reality.
     This concern occupies the formators of our four seminaries with more than 70 young men in
     formation, called to “follow more closely the Divine Master in imitation of St. Joseph”, in line with
     our Holy Founder’s desire, and to carry the generous presence of the Congregation in Peru to future

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