Page 114 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 114

certain teaching methods), bullying and exploitation by anyone.  We above all value the person
     for who he is.  It isn’t important whether he has money, if he is a bishop or cardinal, if he has
     letters  of  recommendation,  if  he  represents  some  grand  personage,  if  he  has  a  political
     office....thus  so  many  injustices  within  our  communities,  once  considered  as  insignificant,
     today are not easily put up with and become sources of dissatisfaction and the abandonment of
     Religious Life.

     We realize that in this Year of St. Joseph, looking to the future recovery of our spirit of family,
     we have a lot to do.  The first step, I think, is to invest time and energy, not in the return to
     ancient  ways  (as  some  would  want)  but  in  putting  into  practice  those  mechanisms  of
     participation (in truth, now not so new!) foreseen by our Rules.

     So as to not draw out excessively what is to be a simple article without any other pretension
     except to stir some reflection and perhaps a community discussion, I will but touch lightly
     upon, an example, the situation of our Community Councils.  Is it not true that in many places
     (not due to anyone’s bad will but by demand) they have become a mere organizational meeting,
     where a sharing of opinions and participation in decision making is seen as a waste of time?
     Isn’t it true that many decisions that effect the lives of individual members are made from
     above,  without  even  a  minimal  regard  for  personal  needs?  Isn’t  it  true  that,  if by  chance a
     superior  were  to  let  confreres  speak,  he  is  met  with  silence,  because  no  one  is  used  to  a
     procedure which, after 50 years from Vatican II, has still remained foreign to us?

     We  truly  have  a  journey  to  make  towards  a  life of  true  fraternity,  where  the members of  a
     community wish each other well, respect one another, where there is an acceptance and care
     for one another and we are capable of fraternal correction.  And where superiors exercise more
     authority and less power.

     This  is  what  I  would  call  a  journey  which  promises  to  be  long,  slow  and  difficult,  whose
     endpoint is not clearly visible to human sight, but - what can we say? - with you O Joseph, we
     are sure to journey well.

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