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P. 9

2nd  Pastoral Letter – 1890


                               GIUSEPPE MARELLO
                                   Bishop of Acqui

                     To the Venerable Clergy and Beloved People
                              of the City and the Diocese


                 In the act  with  which we communicate to  you,  Venerable
            Brothers and Beloved Children in Christ, the grace of the Lenten
            Indult that the benevolence of the Holy Father grants also this
            year to our Diocese, we additionally have the sweet consolation
            of  announcing  the  Sacred  Pastoral  visit.    We  are  preparing  to
            accomplish one of the most serious and at the same time most
            pleasing duties of our ministry, and with the help of God, after
            having  celebrated  the  holy  Feasts  of  Easter  with  our  beloved
            Children of this city, we will turn our steps to visiting those no
            less beloved who are dispersed throughout the Diocese.  Like a
            loving father who has a numerous family who are not all around
            him but dispersed in various places, he cannot do otherwise but
            visit  them  from  time  to  time  to  show  them  his  affection,  be
            informed about their needs and, as much as he can, see to them,
            giving salutary  advice,  and when necessary, loving correction.
            So too the Bishop who cannot always have around him all the
            sheep of the flock that God has entrusted to him, must go to visit
            them in order to make them all participate in the spiritual goods
            that, by his pastoral office, he is bound to dispense.  Therefore,
            your Bishop will come to you, dearly Beloved, for the good of
            your  souls;  he  will  come  according  to  the  mandate  that  he

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