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P. 4

1st Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Acqui

            and  virtue,  who  have  graced  the  Episcopal  See  of  Acqui:  St.
            Maggiorino and St. Guido whom we invoke as our protectors in
            heaven. A salutary mission for you, but for me a formidable one
            and a bearer of grave cares and also fearful burdens if I did not
            tranquilize my soul in the peace of obedience, if I did know that
            I would find in the Diocese many helpers ready to assist me.
                 And the first helpers and the most valuable support will be
            you,  Venerable  Brothers,  Dignitaries  and  Canons  of  the
            Cathedral.  The Church, provident mother, wants me to lean on
            your knowledge and experience in the exercise of the Episcopal
            ministry, and that in every difficult occurrence, you be generous
            with  your light and advice. From this day, I express my ever-
            lasting gratitude for the help I will ask from you with confidence
            and  that  you  will  give  me  fraternally.  I  thank  the  Lord  who
            surrounds me with a Senate illustrious for its doctrine and virtue,
            for the great love that it has for Christ's Church, and for its filial
            attachment to the Chair of Peter.
                 To the help which I count upon, from your advice and work,
            Venerable Brothers, add the very powerful help of your prayers.
            When you are united in the House of the Lord to sing his praises
            and invoke heavenly blessings on the people, remember me in a
            special  way,  I  who  must  guide  the  people  on  the  way  of
            salvation. I hope for the same help from you, eminent Canons
            who attend to the angelic office of praising and glorifying God
            in the Collegiate church of Campo Ligure.
                 I address myself to you, Venerable Pastors, you who with
            me  must  reflect  among  the  people  the  image  of  the  Good
            Shepherd.  Oh,  how  good  it  is  to  think  that  through  you  my
            mission will be fruitful in the most remote parts of the Diocese;
            that  through  your  zeal  I  will  better  fulfill  my  pastoral  office,
            know my sheep, assure their saving pasture, defend them from
            the devouring enemy, and lead them to the eternal sheepfold.
                 With so many souls to save, your zeal will not suffice if you
            are  not  joined  by  the  zeal  of  those  priests  who,  although  not

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