Page 12 - pastoral-letters-sjm
P. 12

2nd Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Acqui

            broken your promise many times, but he has never broken His.
            Returning  to  God's  house,  you  will  find  new  proofs  of  his
            paternal love. Having experienced your weakness, you will find
            in Him alone the strength to rise again and persevere in doing
            good.  How unfortunate you would be if you had not returned to
            that merciful Father! Where would your pass\ions have led you,
            those passions of which we all feel the violence and which, if
            not  impeded by divine  grace, darken our intellect,  corrupt our
            heart,  distort  our  will,  and  can  drag  us  to  the  worst  crimes?
            You,  on  the  other  hand,  assiduous  in  the  school  of  the  Holy
            Gospel, learn to combat those passions, and with the help that
            religion offers you, you manage to dominate them.
                 Tell  me,  dear  young  people,  is  it  not  in  Church  that  you
            began to know your Creator, to bend your heart to good for love
            of  him,  to  be  docile,  obedient,  and  attentive  to  the  desires  of
            your  parents;  where  you  learned  to  know  and  love  this  Jesus
            who wanted to be like you, children, so that you might imitate in
            him  that  simplicity,  modesty,  and  candor  that  make  you  so
            lovable and almost angels on earth?  Is it not in the Church that
            you  felt  he  surrounds  and  protects  your  innocence  with  his
            blessings,  with  that  very  tender  love  for  you  that  renders  him
            terrible  and  puts  on  his  lips  fearful  words  against  those  who
            would be stumbling blocks for you? (Mt. 18: 6).  Ah! truly it is
            only  with  Jesus  that  you,  O  young  people,  can  escape  the
            corruption  of  the  world,  conserve  your  affections  chaste  and
            your heart immaculate.
                 Christian parents, is it not to the Church that you come to
            receive from God the light and strength to fulfill the grave duties
            of your state? Is it not here that your love for the person you had
            chosen  as  your  indivisible  partner  was  solemnly  blessed?
            Where,  in  the  Sacrament  that  the  Apostle  calls  great  (Eph.  5:
            32), you have the pledge of the blessings that assist you in the
            education of your children, that assure the harmony and peace of
            your families?

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