Page 150 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 150

printing shop, and finally the tailor shop. Some times I had to go to the chancery for jobs, and I
     met with Fr. Marello, who was the Secretary of the Bishop. He was so courteous and kind with
     me that I was filled with admiration and this admiration increased over the years. I never lost
     sight of the Servant of God, who I saw often in the Cathedral and more often in the Michelerio
     where he frequently came on Thursday to preach the Hour of Adoration. I was especially
     struck by seeing him during the sacred functions in the Cathedral. It seemed that Our Lord was
     filling him with a special light” (From the Processes). Around this more notable activity there
     were flourishing other works of the apostolate, about which there is more to be discovered
     historically, in order to reconstruct that which was born from them in the course of the years.
     It cannot be said that a true and proper youth Association arose as a type of external apostolate.
     But it is also not possible to dismiss the experience of those years as of now consequence.

     13 – Proof of this is that Canon Cerutti was very happy about it, and when Fr. Marello was not
     there  he  preached,  and  all  of  that  coming  to  the  Church  called  the  “Gesu”  brought  also
     benefactors to his orphanage and charitable assistance in general.

     It was in that climate that Marello’s idea developed of setting up a Congregation there where the
     atmosphere  was  already  established:  it  could  only  be  in  the  Michelerio  where  Marello  was
     already  at  home.  Have  we  never  thought  about  why  the  Congregation  was  born  in  the
     Michelerio and not elsewhere?

     In 1878, there was no longer need to write a long letter like the one in 1872, in order to be
     welcomed by Canon Cerutti. Actually the Canon was the first in a way to search for, or at least


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