Page 148 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 148

and that was how the idea of instituting a “Company of St. Joseph” was born, with goals also of
     social promotion, above all among the youth, who were the most in need.

     8 – The idea could possibly be successful if linked to the only social work existing in Asti in favor
     of  youth:  the  Michelerio,  which  precisely  in  that  year  was  planning,  under  the  direction  of
     Canon Giovanni Cerruti, to expand, acquiring the large “Gesu” complex, made up of the Church
     called the “Gesu” and the ancient monastery of the Poor Clare nuns, extending over four streets
     (the older part from the 1500’s, the more recent from the 1700’s). The other Catholic social
     work was the Cerrato Hospice, which in those years was showing signs of age and which later
     Fr. Marello will take up and start again some years later (involving the Congregation in the
     project). He wrote, therefore, to Canon Cerutti, and the tone of the letter of October 25, 1872,
     gives a vague sense of being afraid of not being understood by the ancient Canon Penitentiary,
     so new was the proposal he was making to him for Asti.

     9 – We will skip over all of the preambles which set the stage for the true and proper discussion
     before getting to the heart of the matter. Instead we will look at the program which Fr. Marello
     presented to the Canon, which in substance was a petition to be able to use the Church called
     the “Gesu”, once it was ready again for worship, in order to set up there a center for spirituality
     and a ministerial association. I think that Canon Cerutti saw in the Secretary’s request the will
     of Him who was behind him, that is the Bishop himself, and this was the principal reason which
     led him to receive enthusiastically the petition made of him made with so much reverential fear
     on the part of the young Marello. Even if accepting it did not mean completely understanding
     where Marello wanted to take it.

     For  this  reason,  he  limited  himself  to  presenting  the  spiritual  program,  only  noting  in  the
     second part some of the possible practical things that could be immediately realized since they
     were  along  the  lines  of  assistance  and  charitable  works  (which  was  that  which  the  Canon
                                                             understood best).

                                                             Beyond  all  of  this,  the  program  contains  the
                                                             central  nucleus  of  Marello’s  thought,  which
                                                             will  later  be  developed  unexpectedly  also  in
                                                             the Congregation which will follow six years
                                                             later, in 1878.

                                                             Here,  for  example,  is  the  original  interior
                                                             inspiration:  “Each  member  draws  his  own
                                                             inspiration from his exemplar St Joseph, who
                                                             was  the  first  on  earth  to  look  after  the
                                                             interests  of  Jesus.  One  who  decides  to
                                                             participate  in  this  Company  must,  however,
                                                             promise in the presence of God to strive within
                                                             his means to promote the interests of Jesus…


                          Reflections on st. joseph
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