It was June 4, 1961, when Rev. Fr. Vito Sorrenti, OSJ, founded the Our Lady Mercy High School, named after the patroness of Taysan, Nuestra Señora de la Merced.
It stared with only 40 students at the vacant room of the parish convent. In the following years, students increased in population having its first commencement exercises in 1965. The growth and success were rewarded when on July 1, 1968, it was given the Government Recognition.
With the remarkable increase of the student population, Rev. Fr. Guido Coletti
, OSJ, decided to purchase some hectares of land at BRgy. Mahanadiong, where the present school building is located.
In 1994, pre-elementary education was opened and on March 2001, the first commencement exercises in the elementary department was held.
Today, OLMA is one of the best academic Catholic instituions in Batangas. For more the 50 years, it has been faithful to the charims of St. Joseph Marello, founder of the Oblates of St. Joseph, especially in “educating the hearts and minds of the youth.”


Our Lady of Mercy Academy
Taysan, Batangas
