With regards to our apostolate, Article 57 of our General Constitutions, states the following as a general principle:
"The Founder, Saint Joseph Marello, wished his sons to be “apostles outdoors” and to bring Christ to the world with that generous spirit with which St. Joseph,
called to service by the Eternal Father, nurtured Jesus and prepared Him for His ministry of salvation."
Specifically, we have five major apostolates:
 | Youth Apostolate
Art. 65: The Congregation walks along the way of God and according to the directives of the Founder if it succeeds in forming members capable of inspiring and educating youth.
Parish Apostolate
Art. 68: The invitation by bishops to take on the direction of parishes was seen as a call of Divine Providence, which our Founder felt the Oblates should humbly obey. In line with his respectful collaboration with Local Ordinaries, the Congregation continues to administrate parishes, ever concerned with attending to areas of greatest need, so as to preserve its charism of availability.
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 | Missionary Apostolate
Art. 71: Faith in Divine Providence led St. Joseph to depart for Egypt and prompted Saint Joseph Marello to accept the temporary administration of several parishes. This same faith moved the Oblates to welcome the invitation of Church authorities to carry on the work of evangelization in distant lands.
Faithful to this spirit of availability to Providence, the Oblates keep themselves in readiness to proclaim the word of God wherever it might call them.
Social Apostolate
Art. 73: Following the example of the Founder and the teachings of the Church, the Oblates are aware that they cannot proclaim the Gospel in its fullness without striving with deep sensitivity to promote authentic human progress in justice and truth.
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 | Apostolate of Devotion to St. Joseph
Art. 74: Having been formed at the school of St. Joseph in the practice of the virtues that are simple and ordinary and at once real and genuine, the Oblates of St. Joseph present to all people their outstanding exemplar of holiness. To consecrated persons St. Joseph is the teacher of the interior life; to the laity he is the model of family and social virtues.