When Msgr. Socrates Villegas, DD, was appointed and installed as the third bishop of the Diocese of Balanga, Bataan, he immediately reached out to the Oblates of St. Joseph and invited them to help him in ministering the needs of his faithful. In an interview printed in the Marellian Today, he shared why he called the OSJs to Bataan, "When I came to Bataan the first thing I noticed was there are no religious men which, for me, is quite abnormal because my vocation as a priest has been enriched by my friendshio with religious priests and brothers.
And also, the patron saint of the Diocese is St. Joseph. So I wrote your Provincial, Fr. Noel, and I said I need help. I explained to him the situation and that our patron saint is St. Joseph
and we share a common vision so why don't you come over. The devotion to St. Joseph is strong in the diocese and I know the Oblates of St. Joseph would be able to help us promote that devotion."
On October 27, 2004, Bishop Soc presided over the Eucharistic celebration marking the formal opening of the OSJ mission in Bataan.
Barely two weeks after the landmark opening, Bishop Soc speedily erected two new parishes to be administered by the missionaries.
One of them is Sto. Niño Parish which was carved out from the two already existing parishes of San Nicholas de Tolentino in Mariveles and San Jose Manggagawa in Cabcaben. It comprise 12 barangays and sitios, namely: Alas-asin, Sisiman, Baseco, Jericho, E-road, Karagatan, Aguawan, Marina Beach, Heroes Ridge, Dinginin, Topside and Breakwater.
The new parish is largely a coastal area which has a splendid view of the historic Corregidor Island, said to be the last place in the Philippines to surrender to the Japanese aggressors.
Rev. Fr. Norman Rodrigo Banzuela, Jr., OSJ was appointed to be its first parish priest and assisted by Rev. Fr. Eladio Lizada, OSJ.
At present, the parish has just consecrated and dedicated the new parish church.
