Page 9 - Reflections on St. Joseph
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being indicated with the use of the richly meaningful expression: “he took with him.” To take with
oneself means to keep, to take care of, to share in the destiny of those persons under one’s care. When
members of a family, or of a consecrated community know how to “take with themselves” the lives of
their family members or confreres, their daily personal relationships acquire a new depth and create a
climate of exponential growth.
The Year of St. Joseph offers us therefore, an invitation and an occasion to re-discover the figure of the
Patron of the Universal Church and find in him, the fundamental bases of that vocation which connects
us to his name as his Oblates. It will help us to re-establish a personal relationship with him. It invites
us to re-read and re-study the publications that speak of his mission. It will become an occasion to
compose new songs dedicated to him, in continuity with the rich musical tradition of the Congregation.
It will obligate us to celebrate with due solemnity his Feast Days and perhaps organize some pilgrimages
to shrines dedicated to him. Finally, it will push us to entrust to his intercession, the earthly affairs of
the Church in its rough confrontations with the hostile environment of today’s world. Each Province
and Delegation, each community and each apostolic work should seek the ways most appropriate so that
this Year may be for each of us an unforgettable spiritual experience.
May the Year of St. Joseph also be a favorable occasion to highlight some aspects and themes of Christian
life linked to the spirituality of St. Joseph. For example: the importance of the interior life, of generous
service in daily life, the holiness of Marriage and of the family, and many others.
In conclusion, I also exhort the Oblate Sisters of St. Joseph and the Laity spiritually close to us, and all
the Faithful who come to our parishes and take part in our pastoral activities, that they too feel
themselves to be involved in this initiative and may live with us the Year of St. Joseph so as to grow
spiritually and respond with ever greater generosity to the call of the Lord.
I finish with these words of our Founder: “Eamus simul ad Joseph et oremus ad invicem; and may our
holy Patriarch obtain for everyone from God every opportune grace.” (Letter 234, Opera Omnia, Editrice
Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui 2010, p. 586).
“Let us say to our Great Patriarch:
See us all for you - may you be all for us;
You show us the way, you sustain us in every step,
You lead us where Divine Providence wants to take us.
Whether the way be long or short, smooth or rough,
Whether we can or cannot see by human sight the goal,
Whether moving swiftly or slowly,
With you we are sure that all will go well.”
Rome, January 23, 2019 Feast of the Holy Spouses.
Reflections on st. joseph