Page 10 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 10


                Message for the Opening of the Year of St. Joseph

                                                                                   To the Oblates of St. Joseph
                                                                        and to the Josephite Marellian Family

     Dear Confreres and Cooperators,

     On the 19th of March we will celebrate the annual Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin
     Mary. However, this year, the annual liturgical celebration will take on a very special meaning
     for the Family of the Oblates, because it marks the opening of a Year dedicated to that Guardian
     of the Redeemer, whose name we are proud to bear.

     Our holy Founder chose St. Joseph as our Patron and exhorted us to keep him before our eyes
     along the way of holiness and dedicated service to the Church. In the draft for a “Company of
     St. Joseph”, he left us this precious directive: “Let each one take his inspiration from his Model,
     St. Joseph, who was the first upon the earth to care for the interests of Jesus, he who cared for
     Him as an infant and protected Him as a child and who had the place of a father for the first
     thirty years of His earthly life.” (Letter 83).

     The celebration of the 19th of March and especially of the Year of St. Joseph, as explained in the
     Letter  of  Inauguration,  offer  us  an  occasion  to  re-discover  the  figure  of  our  Patron  in  the
     Universal  Church,  and  to  recognize  in  him  the  principle  elements  of  that  vocation  which
     associates  us,  as  his  Oblates,  with  his  name.  The  Guardian  of  the  Redeemer,  model  of  the
     interior life, is a reminder to us of the essentials and of the relevancy to us of some of those
     values which, lately, may have been overlooked or forgotten.

     One  of  the  major  challenges  of  our  time  is  the  integration  of  the  interior  life  (prayer  and
     contemplation) and mission (apostolate and ministry). We always run the risk of remaining
     enclosed in a spirituality isolated from reality, or of abandoning ourselves to frantic activity
     and to the superficiality of material things. The Guardian of the Redeemer teaches us that an

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