Page 69 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 69

the proof that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ, there is no need of great things-it
          is enough to have the common, simple and human virtues, but they need to be true and authentic”
          (Homily from 03/19/1969).

          In the examples which St. Joseph left for us “it is clear that God expects from each one of us that which
          he has a right to expect, that is the faithful and generous response to his call, his will, and his desires. The
          faithful and diligent use of all his natural and supernatural gifts which He himself has given to each one,
          according to the different happenings in life and the duties of ones proper state” (Pius XI).

          “St. Joseph is a man of few words but of an intense life, who does not shrink back before the responsibilities
          which he received from God. He is an example of great availability to the Divine call, of peacefulness in
          all things, of complete trust found in a life of supernatural faith and charity and of that very effective
          instrument which is prayer” (Giovanni XXIII).

           There  is  no  doubt  that  within  the  History  of  Salvation  the  vocation  of  St.  Joseph  must  be
          considered  and  his  role  as  the  son  of  David,  spouse  of  Mary  Most  Holy  and  father  of  Jesus
          recognized.  His  is  not  a  second  place  role  and  he  was  in  no  way  left  on  the  margins  of  the
          Redemption, from the moment that he received from God that highest responsibility, equalled
          only by the infinite trust which was his response, having been entrusted with the most precious
          treasures of Jesus and Mary.

          St. Joseph received from God the grace to take a direct role in the mystery of the Incarnation of his
          Son  and  to  be  his  minister.  “Descendant  of  David”,  he  passed  on  to  Jesus  the  Davidic  descent,
          indispensable for being recognized as the Messiah. He was the one to have Jesus listed among the
          citizens of the known world as that time, enrolling him as his son, in Bethlehem, during the census
          of  Augustus.  He  was  the  one  to  introduce  him  into  the  People  of  the  Covenant,  having  him
          circumcised. He was the one how gave him his
          name,  presented  him  to  the  Father  in  the
          Temple  and  fulfilled  for  him  the  right  of
          offering of the first-born. He was the one who
          protected  him,  along  with  his  Mother,  in  the
          flight  into  Egypt  and  then  reintroduced  him
          into  the  land  of  Israel.  Choosing  as  his  home
          Nazareth,  he  made  it  so  that  his  fellow
          countrymen would call him a “Nazarene”. He
          was the one to support him and educate him,
          giving  him  a  place  in  society  and  in  an
          honorable  profession,  while  forming  him  in
          prayer and in the knowledge of life and of the

          Called by God to serve directly the person and
          mission  of  Jesus  in  the  exercise  of  his
          fatherhood,  in  fulfilment  of  the  divine  will,
          Joseph  was  truly  indispensable  in  the
          realization  of  God’s  plan,  cooperating  in  the
          great mystery of the Redemption and becoming

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