Page 19 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 19
With the whole Church, we implore the protection and intercession of St. Joseph, we recommend our
concerns, also for the dangers that threaten the human family.
To you, O blessed Joseph,
we have recourse in our afflictions, and after having implored the help of
your thrice holy spouse, we now with hearts filled with confidence
earnestly beg you also to take us under your protection.
By that charity wherewith you were united
to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love
with which you did cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech you and humbly pray
that you will look down with gracious eyes
upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by his blood
and will succor us in our needs by your power and strength.
Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving father,
all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high,
O most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness.
And even as of old, you did rescue the Child Jesus
from the peril of his life, so now defend God’s holy Church
from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity.
Shield us ever under your patronage that, imitating your example
and strengthened by your help, we may live a holy life,
die a happy death and attain everlasting bliss in heaven. Amen.
May St. Joseph obtain for the Church and for the world, as well as for each of us, the blessing of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. (Redemptoris Custos, 32).
Rome, 14 March, 2020
With paternal greetings,
Reflections on st. joseph