Page 16 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 16


                 Circular letter for the beginning of the novena to Saint Joseph

                                 " Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid ... " (Mt 1:18)

                                                                               To the Josephite Marellian Family
     Dear Confreres and Friends,

             his year, the beginning of the novena to Saint Joseph, is marked by the alarm of the coronavirus
             that is spreading all over the world and, in these days, has particularly affected Italy.  To stop the
             epidemic, some provinces where the Oblate communities and parishes are located have been
     isolated, and until April 4, the celebrations, with the influx of people, have been suspended in churches
     throughout the territory.

     Living in this period in which we realize that we are not masters of history and of our lives, the words
     that the angel addressed to our Protector come to mind: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid ... ".  Even
     to the apostles, taken by fear in some circumstances, the Lord repeats: "Stand up and do not be afraid ",
     "Trust, I have overcome the world ".  Even amidst the tribulations we are facing, we must have faith in
     God, and against the temptation of discouragement and withdrawal, let us remember what hope we
     have been called for here on earth and in eternity.

     In this time of darkness waiting for the dawn with firm hope, we confidently turn to our great protector
     and invoke his patronage:
             Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
             the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ.
             Keep from us, O most loving father, all blight of error and corruption.
             Aid us from on high, O most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness.
             And even as of old, you did rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of his life,
             so now defend God’s holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity.
             Shield us ever under you patronage that, imitating your example,
             and strengthened by you help, we may live a holy life,
             die a happy death and attain the everlasting bliss in heaven. Amen.

     I express my closeness to all and call for solidarity and prayer for the sick and their families and for all
     who are working to cope with this health emergency.

     Pontianak (Indonesia), March 9, 2020.

                                               With fraternal gretings,

       xii xii  Reflections on st. joseph
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