Page 170 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 170

Before answering that, we should ask what elements would be most important for the popular
     promotion of devotion to St. Joseph. Probably most of us would agree on the following list. Said
     devotion should:

         1)  Be Christocentric as emphasized by the Second Vatican Council.
         2)  Depart from St. Joseph’s most fundamental role, which is that of Husband of Mary.
         3)  Be based on a sound understanding of Sacred Scripture.
         4)  Include all principal aspects of St. Joseph’s life and role in the mystery of salvation.
         5)  Lead to deeper contemplation.
         6)  Lead to more virtuous daily living.
         7)  Have great intercessory power.
         8)  Respond  to  the  pastoral  needs  of  our  times,  when  a  renewed  appreciation  of  both
             marriage  and  virginity  is  so  needed  (as  indicated  by  the  general  theme  of  this
         9)  Be easily understood and easily practiced by the faithful.

     Only after praying the Holy Spouses Rosary for more than twenty years in a rather hidden manner
     have I felt called to promote this devotion more zealously. I do so only out of the firm and well-
     founded conviction that our times demand a new devotion to apply better all nine of the principles
     listed  above.  This  devotion  and  this  conviction  have  both  evolved  from  reflection  on  material
     presented over the years in these International Symposia and particularly from Fr. Stramare’s  clear
     focus, situating Josephology in the proper context of the mystery of Christ, and from the teachings
     of John Paul II on the theology of the body,  on St. Joseph,  and on the rosary.    6

     Of course, all devotees of St. Joseph have their own prayer traditions and devotions. Without putting
     those aside, I dare ask listeners and readers also to try praying the devotion described here for a
     period of time, reflecting on the mysteries associated with it, and then to judge whether or not the
     nine criteria listed above are not satisfied in a heretofore unparalleled manner.

                                                                   Here  I  will  present  the  devotion  in  the
                                                                   space allowed, while recommending the
                                                                   more  complete  book  entitled  The  Holy
                                                                   Spouses Rosary,  available in both English
                                                                   and  Spanish.  (An  appendix  in  the  book
                                                                   also  has  the  basic  prayer  and  mystery
                                                                   titles  for  praying  this  rosary  in  Latin,
                                                                   Italian,  Portuguese,  Polish,  Filipino,
                                                                   Malayalam, or Igbo.) The rest of this paper
                                                                   will  then  show  how  this  devotion
                                                                   satisfies  so  well  all  nine  of  the
                                                                   requirements listed above.

                                                                   What is the Holy Spouses Rosary?

                                                                   The  Holy  Spouses  Rosary  is  based  upon
                                                                   the  venerable,  time-tried,  and  officially
                                                                   approved devotion known as the Marian

                          Reflections on st. joseph
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