Page 159 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 159


                                                   ET VOCAVIT

                                                 AD SE EOS…

            UT ESSENT CUM ILLO

           ET UT MITTERET

            EOS PRAEDICARE

                    4)  And to send them forth to preach (Evangelization and Human Promotion)
                                                                                    Fr. Michele Piscopo, OSJ

                                   Reflection in preparation for the XVII General Chapter
               n this sentence from the Gospel we can see four important elements:

                    1)  He summoned those he wanted (Vocation, Call)
                    2)  That they might be with him  (Intimacy with Jesus)
                    3)  That they might live together in communion in the Apostolic College
                        (Community Life)

          We Oblates of St. Joseph must live all of this in our Josephite-Marellian Charism and Spirituality. As
          children of Marello, we want to follow Jesus, living in continual intimacy with Him, in a fraternal life
          in community, in order to go to the existential and geographical outskirts to live the Gospel and
          witness to Him who has chosen us. We want to deepen and give new
          life to our human, religious identity, to our identity as Oblates
          of St. Joseph. This is a personal and communal "refounding"
          of our existence, to relive a deep sense of belonging to
          Him and to our Religious Family.

          I propose to myself and to you some reflections.

          1)  Vocation, Choice, Call.
                   I am “God's dream”: “let us make the man in
                    our own image and likeness” (Gen 1:26)
                   Like  Isaiah:  chosen  from  his  mother's
                    womb to be light to the nations (Is 49: 1-6)

                   Like Jeremiah: chosen before my birth. (1:4-

                                                                 Reflections on st. joseph
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