Page 128 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 128

theological tradition to see the formal element of marriage in the “indivisible union of souls”.
     Also from this point of view, the virtuous behavior of Joseph is particularly eloquent for our time.

     As for Mary, so also for Joseph, the mission received from God  does not end with his earthly
     “pilgrimage of faith” but continues in heaven.  In fact, as he is in relationship with the Head so he
     is in relationship with the body and with its members.  Inspired by the Gospel, the Fathers of the
     Church, from the first centuries, have underlined that St. Joseph as he cared lovingly for Mary
     and dedicated himself with joyful dedication to the education of Jesus Christ, so he guards and
     protects his mystical body, the Church, of which the Blessed Virgin is figure and model.  For this
     reason Blessed Pope Pius IX proclaimed St. Joseph “Patron of the Universal Church”.

     Pope John Paul II recalled with particular veneration the prayer to the Saint by Pope Leo XIII.  In
     this prayer, St. Joseph is asked to continue his mission as Protector, to dispel “the evil of falsehood
     and sin”, assisting us “in this struggle with the powers of darkness” and defending us from “the
     snares of our enemies and from all adversity”.

     Today still, the Pope assures us, we have many reasons to pray to and recommend each person to
     St.  Joseph. With St. Joseph Marello we say: “You, O Joseph, show us the way, protect us in each
     step, and lead us where Divine Providence wants us to go”.

                  Activities of the “St. Joseph Marello” Province for devotion to St. Joseph

     One  of  the  special  characteristics  of  our  ministry  in  parishes  and  in  our  social  works  is  the
     devotion to St. Joseph which is to be lived and spread.

     We  point  out  here  that  which  are  the  activities  of  devotion  to  St.  Joseph  in  our  Various
     Communities.  In all of them there is the weekly prayer of the “Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph”,
     recited in common and often with the people of the parish.  The votive masses are of St. Joseph.

     ALBA – On Wednesday, votive masses of St. Joseph
     Monthly meeting of the Josephite Laity on the person of St. Joseph.  For the Solemnity of March
     19, there is a triduum in preparation.

     A group of laity take care of the spreading of Josephite publications.

     ASTI  ,  MOTHER  HOUSE  –  Besides  the  votive  masses  of  St.  Joseph  every  Wednesday,  the  1st
     Wednesday of the month there is an evening MEETING of prayer, song, adoration, catechesis and
     Holy Mass, which a large number of people attend.  There are many confessions.  This takes place
     from 8:15pm until 11:00pm.

     At the beginning of the social year the Josephite Laity renew their Promise.

     On  the  Solemnity  of  St.  Joseph,  March  19,  the  Mass  is  presided  over  by  the  Bishop  and
     concelebrated by the confreres from the nearby houses, by the Pastors of the City and the diocese.
     This ends with a fraternal reception.


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