Page 43 - pastoral-letters-sjm
P. 43
St. Joseph Marello - 1893
here on earth, that peace that the world cannot give. Let us put
far from us the shameful yoke of human respect which makes
slaves of the devil out of those who are called to the liberty of
the children of God. If obedience to the Gospel should become a
burden, let us look around us to see all the faithful Christians
who render testimony to the words of Jesus Christ who tells us
that His burden is light and His yoke gentle: iugum meum suave
est et onus meum leve (Matt. XI. 30.); and let us be comforted in
the thought that divine grace comes to lighten and to sweeten
any sacrifice that we might meet on the way that leads to
heaven. Venerable Brothers and dearly beloved children, let us
revive our faith and render it fruitful with good works. Let us
make it the only and fixed rule of our conduct, even before men,
so that one day it may not be a condemnation for us before the
Divine Judge, but rather a glorious right to eternal salvation.
Since divine grace is indispensable to remaining in our good
dispositions, let us implore it with the humble, confident and
persevering prayer that obtains everything from heaven,
according to what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: ask and you shall
receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to
you: petite et dabitur vobis, quaerite et invenietis; pulsate et
aperietur vobis (Matt. VII. 7).
In union with our brothers of the great Christian family, let
us pray for the gloriously reigning Sovereign Pontiff Leo XIII.
Let us thank the divine goodness that, in these stormy times, He
has given and conserved for his Church a Pope of such wisdom
and activity, and let us beg him to keep him for many more
years for the good of his beloved children and of the world; and
may He comfort and support him in the grave cares of his
apostolic ministry, with that fidelity and love which was
manifested to him from all parts during his Episcopal jubilee.
Further, dearly beloved, let us not forget to pray for our
August Sovereign, for the royal family and for the state
authorities. Finally, pray also for us, who do not cease to invoke