Page 50 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 50

same invitation is extended to us today, not only to invoke the aid of St. Joseph but to also allow
     ourselves to be schooled and shaped after the example of St. Joseph who dedicated his life entirely
     for the interest of Jesus. We need to become “the Josephs” of modern time where the will of God
     will find prompt obedience and His WORD will find an abode in peace.

     In his 1989 apostolic exhortation Redemptoris Custos (On the Person and Mission of Saint Joseph
     in the Life of Christ and of the Church), Pope John Paul II discussed the importance of Saint Joseph’s
     patronage in our day: This patronage must be invoked as ever necessary for the Church, not only
     as a defence against all dangers, but also, and indeed primarily, as an impetus for her renewed
     commitment to evangelization in the world and to re-evangelization in those lands and nations
     where—as I wrote in the Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici—religion and the Christian life
     were formerly flourishing and…are now put to a hard test.” In order to bring the first proclamation
     of Christ, or to bring it anew wherever it has been neglected or forgotten, the Church has need of
     special “power from on high” (cf. Lk. 24:49; Acts 1:8): a gift of the Spirit of the Lord, a gift which is
     not unrelated to the intercession and example of his saints.


     There are many good reasons why St. Joseph should be the special heavenly patron of dedicated
     souls - in the religious life, in the priesthood, and among the laity like us and ours. But as the Church
     teaches, he is especially to be venerated and his patronage invoked because he was the guardian of
     the Virgin Mary and the caring father of Jesus. We may confidently say that the Holy Family which
     Joseph  ruled  with  the  authority  of  a  father  contained  within  itself  the  first  beginnings  of  the
     Church. So that, even as Mary is the Mother of the Church because she is the Mother of Christ, so
     Joseph is the Protector of Holy Church because he was the guardian of Jesus and Mary.

     Joseph willingly submitted himself to the divine will of God and strove all through his life to live
     the same. He became an example of an authentic Christian living, in his total dedication to the
     Word of God and challenges us to do same. The protection of St. Joseph is sure for all who invoke
     him and come under his patronage. He is ready to care for all as he did for the interest of Jesus the
     Savior, all we need to do is hear once again the voice of Pharaoh “go to Joseph” and we will be sure
     that our Lord Jesus Christ who refuses nothing of Joseph and to Joseph while on earth will surely
     not refuse his plea of intersession for us who fly to his patronage in heaven. Hence, we could pray:
     Saint Joseph, father of Jesus and protector of the Virgin Mary, teach us the hardest lesson we have
     to  learn  in  life;  to  love  as  you  loved,  by  putting  our  affections  to  use,  and  by  acting  on  the
     sentiments we so often express in our prayers. Teach us to understand what Mary meant when
     she said, "Be it done to me according to your will." And what Jesus meant when He said, "If you
     love me, keep my commandments." May we be able to love and care for the interest of Jesus as
     you did, and may we remain continually kept under your watchful care and protection. Amen.

     As  Joseph  carefully  watched  over  the  Holy  Family  as  a  body  and  over  Jesus  and  Mary  as
     individuals, he could do same for us as a religious family and as sons and daughters under his
     loving  care  and  protection.    Let  us  allow  Joseph  to  be  the  veritable  meter  for  measuring  our
     disposition  to  God’s  will,  so  that  he  can  gently  lead  us  to  carry  out  God’s  will  and  be  better
     committed above all else to the interest of Jesus in our daily lives. Saint Joseph, Patron of the
     Universal Church, pray for us who have recourse to you and lead us where divine providence
     wants us to be! Amen.

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