Page 44 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 44

On a human level, David never stood a chance when Samuel visited his family. In fact, in this
     encounter  he  is  never  mentioned  by  name.  It  is  the  mystery  of  God,  who  raised  him  from
     nothingness, the lowest of the sons of Jesse, living in an obscure village, to become not only the
     king of Israel, but also the model of all kings that followed him.
     In the same way, God chose a man, Joseph, from the obscure town of Nazareth, and raised him, not
     only to holiness, but to the heights of heaven, so that nobody is greater than he except for the
     Blessed Virgin Mary.  Interestingly enough, an apocryphal account of Joseph names him one of the
     many suitors for Mary. While not necessarily credible, it serves to highlight the analogy between
     David and Joseph. Just as David surely would have been rejected by Samuel, so Joseph would have
     been, if he had not been chosen by God through the sign of a flowering staff. There is nothing that
     can be pointed to as evidence that Joseph was anything special in appearance; yet he was different
     from any other son of David, and from the people around him, because of his profound interior life.

     As soon as they accepted God’s will, both David and Joseph’s resolve was tested by a man with
     whom their life will be defined.  For David, this man was Goliath.  It was David who brought God
     into this situation. Throughout David’s youth, and for the rest of his life, God would be there to
     protect him. In spite of trouble, he put his trust in God. With God on his side, he proceeded forth
     with purity of heart to vanquish evil. It was not as an armored soldier that he conquered Goliath,
     but rather through trust in God.

     In the same way, Joseph conquered Herod. He knew that like David, he was facing his own Goliath,
     and without trust in God, he did not stand a chance. With great trust, he allowed God to defend him
     and his family. From Bethlehem to Egypt to the hidden years in Nazareth, Joseph relied on God for
     the protection of his family.

     In a very interesting way, the life of David parallels the history of Israel, whom God raised from
     nothingness and chose as his special instrument. Israel, like David, sometimes missed the mark
     and put other things ahead of God. While King David is the ideal man in the social consciousness
     of Israel and is considered  their best  king, he  is not referred  to as the just man. This honor is
     reserved to his descendent, Joseph of Nazareth, the son of King David who played the final essential
     role in the preparation for the Messiah.

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