Page 25 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 25
A Time to Listen. . .
Joseph of Nazareth
in the
Whisper of God
Fr. Michele Fiore, OSJ
hat is success? Where have we gone? Why all this? God, where is He? Maybe these
questions are the questions we will instinctively pose ourselves in these last times.
The Pandemic has reawakened in us a sense of limitation, of the unexpected, of the
unforeseeable. The danger of falling into the clutches of fear and anxiety will certainly not be
small. We will probably have before our eyes the almost surreal scenes of recent events. The
health emergency of the pandemic could perhaps well earn the name of apocalypse, in its most
authentic biblical sense. A veil has been raised and a revelation about the Church itself has
occurred, about its faith, about its liturgy. And when the end of the pandemic arrives, it will
need to question itself and undertake a great effort of evangelical discernment, without which
it will be useless to make invitations to conversion. In fact, it is not enough to say “Convert!”,
but like Jesus and the prophets, we will have to point out and unmask the idols that impede the
true adoration of the living God and our witness to humanity.
Reflections on st. joseph