Page 204 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 204

The  grace  of  the  beatification  has  already  produced  in  various  nations  a  reawakening  of
     vocations to the Congregation and to other forms of expansion of the Oblate spirit, like the
     opening of our spirituality to women as well, with the institution, willed by the General Chapter
     in 1994, of the Oblate Sisters of St. Joseph, who today are present in Brazil, the Philippines, Peru,
     Nigeria and Rome.

     In the same light it is nice to see also a re-flowering of lay associations around the Congregation,
     above all those who work alongside the Oblates in parishes and other works, so as to unite our
     forces  in  an  attitude  of  collaboration  and  exchange  of  gifts,  in  order  to  participate  more
     effectively in the mission of the Church (VC 54), proper to the Congregation.

     In fact, our Congregation is ever more aware that the charism which St. Joseph Marello has
     passed  on  to  her  can  be  shared  with  so  many  people  who  are  close  by  and  who  desire  to
     collaborate with us in building the Kingdom of God on earth.

     We have before us a very vast field, in which our energies come together and produce new
     dynamisms: laity are introduced to the Marellian spirituality and the life of the Congregation,
     while  we  Oblates  are  encouraged  by  this  new  ecclesial  and  Oblate  breath  so  as  to  continue
     together the work which Providence points out to us from day to day.

     In  this  way,  we  come  to  form  almost  one  family,  the  family  of  the  Oblates  of  St.  Joseph,
     composed of religious and laity, each one in his proper role, all dedicated to living together the
     Josephite-Marellian  spirit  and  of  working  for  our  sanctification  and  for  the  coming  of  the
     Kingdom of God.


                          Reflections on st. joseph
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