Page 196 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 196
St. Joseph Marello said: "Each member draws his own inspiration from his exemplar St Joseph, who
was the first on earth to look after the interests of Jesus; he guarded Him in His infancy, he protected
Him in His boyhood, he acted as His father during the first thirty years of His life on earth " (L.76).
St. Joseph is a perfect example of an honest, pious, punctual and hardworking man – an example
for all of us who live in a complex world in which the simple, everyday virtues are in danger of
being left aside though they are the most valid and authentic ones.
And precisely in order to re-appropriate these simple, everyday virtues, many lay people look
with renewed interest at the Marellian spirituality where they can find sure direction in the
midst of the difficulties of today’s world.
This is the second fact which can serve as a starting point for our meeting: the desire to know
more profoundly St. Joseph Marello and his work, to have in him a sure guide in our life’s
journey, which often finds itself having to face the uncertainties of a complex world where it is
not easy to be guides by the teachings of the Gospel and the Church.
The Pope, in his sermon during the beatification of Joseph Marello on September 26, 1993,
described the situation in this way: "We are passing through an historical moment of great
cultural changes. So many aspects of social life have become fragmented and violent, particular
interests tend to prevail over the common good, arrogance and rivalry present themselves
often as life customs”. And he added: “In the soul of the people, still, there is the growing
aspiration for a way of living which is more human and fraternal. But how can we build an
existence founded on true solidarity if we move along the way of secularism and religious
indifference, or even of an inauthentic religiosity? Life, in fact, opens to fraternal sentiment
only when God is perceived, known and loved as Father, the Father of all”.
Speaking the day before the beatification to the Oblates of St. Joseph, the Pope pointed to Blessed
Joseph Marello as a model and guide in this recovery of Christian values, saying: “His charismatic
message lives with you and in your beneficent institutions”. The message of our Founder, then, must
penetrate our life and all of our institutions, spreading to those who are close to our heart and our
works, whether they e youth or adults, men or women, as long as they are filled with the desire to
walk the path of faith alongside us, in the school of St. Joseph Marello.
This message speaks to us of God and points us to St. Joseph as “the pilgrim of faith, faithfully
abandoned, though in the obscurity of such events which surrounded the birth of Jesus, at the
ancient divine plan. His existence – the Pope continues – is marked by a profound sense of
responsibility, brisk hard work, and constant unity. Are not virtues such as these the ones
which ought to mark your lives as well Oblates of St. Joseph? Are they not at the foundation of
your work among the youth?".
2. An ecclesial spirituality under the gaze of St. Joseph
In summary, this was the spirituality which Marello proposed to his spiritual children and
which he lived himself.
Reflections on st. joseph