Page 122 - Reflections on St. Joseph
P. 122

Ultimately, the root of the great decisions does not derive itself from human calculation, but
     the ability to embrace the will of God, the sacrifice which Joseph makes of his entire existence
     to the needs of the Messiah coming to his own home, the constant readiness and faithfulness to
     his mission, his simple and domestic virtues, his style of life admired by throngs of devotees
     and saints over the centuries; all of which finds its foundation and source in the “limitless depth
     of his interior life” (RC 25).

     4. The ABC’s of the Interior Life of St. Joseph

     If on the one hand, Redemptoris Custos defines the interior life of St. Joseph to be a “limitless
     depth”, on the other it proposes a few fundamental aspects which make manifest its richness
     and  which  call  out  to  us.  We  will  focus  on  four  dimensions  which  seem  to  be  the  most
     distinctive and unique in the journey of our Saint.

     4.1 Listening to God - the Primacy of the Word of God

         Listening  to  the  Word  of  God  is  the  first  principle  of  the  interior  life  and  a  biblical
         commandment.  God  urges  His  people:  “...Hear  O  Israel...”(Dt  6,4-9).  On  his  part,  man,
         conscious of his own vocation and dependence upon God, responds: “Speak, Lord, for your
         servant  is  listening”  (1Sam  3,10).  This  affirmation  well  expresses  the  fact  that  listening
         constitutes the first act of man and a fundamental attitude in biblical anthropology, since
         man is called to listen so as to be able to enter into communion with God.

         St. Joseph is present in the Gospel as one who hears the message, and without hesitation,
         dodging,  excuses  or  requests  for  explanation  and  clarification,  puts  it  into  practice.  It  is
         interesting to emphasize that this readiness to listen occurs in the circumstances of daily

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