Page 27 - pastoral-letters-sjm
P. 27
4 Pastoral Letter – 1892
Bishop of Acqui
To the Venerable Clergy and the Beloved People
of the City and the Diocese
Venerable Brothers and Beloved Children in Christ,
Perhaps never so much as in our time has so much been
spoken and written about the care of the young. The thoughts of
many are turned to it, to it are addressed the most assiduous
cares and lively solicitude as to an object of great and serious
concern and no less hope. That explains the great zeal on all
sides to establish new schools where children receive that
instruction that in time develops their minds. Whether, along
with the instruction, at the same time we think also of and
provide for an education of the heart, we will not discuss here.
What cannot be denied is that cultivating the intellect alone does
not suffice and is often harmful if the heart is not also educated
in a Christian manner. Even if schools are being multiplied, that
does not dispense Christian fathers and mothers from thinking
about the teachers to whom they entrust their children on the one
hand, and on the other from being the first to do what they must
and can do with regard to the good instruction and correct
education of their children. It is precisely on this domestic
instruction and education and on the manner of understanding
and practicing it that we want to call your attention, Venerable
Brothers and Beloved Children, now that we are drawing close
to the days when the Church, with the voice of its saintly
Pastors, invites the faithful to a greater recollection of spirit and
to a more profound consideration of their Christian duties.