Page 10 - briciole-d-oro
P. 10

8                    lf the body is assailed by a thousand  ailments, let the

                        soul be always in the presence of God, whom all of us

            (Letters 23)   must turn to at every moment to renew our strength.

                        lf  we  perform  the  work  of  God  in  silence  without
                        relying on men or even ourselves, but full of trust in

            (Letters 95)   supernatural help, everything will turn out for the best.

                    Any  advice  coming  from  human  prudence  is  more  a
                    hindrance than a help in the work of God. (Letters 76)


        Let  us  place  no  reliance  on  the  influence  of  wealth,  connections,
        esteem, or worldly encouragement. (Letters 76)

                    In all things let us proceed according to principles of faith,
                    with  unlimited reliance on  the  help of Heaven  and  an
                    unwavering feeling of gratitude to the Lord, and to Him
        alone, both in time of plenty and of scarcity. Let us be ever mindful
        that sufficit diei malitia sua: today has troubles enough of its own.
        (Letters 76)

                     At the proper  time we know this from experience our
                    difficulties  disappear,  the  one  who  caused  them  has  a
                    change  of  heart,  and  the  work  of  God  proceeds
        surrounded by new favors. (Letters 253)

                    Let us be glad that contradictions have not ceased and
                    that there is no lack of opponents to make us grow in

                    confidence in God. (Letters 253)
                     The Lord is visiting us, but He will not reject our prayers
                    as  we  implore  Him  to  deal  with  us  in  a  fatherly  way,
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